Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

SND Patna, Stepping Forward with Integral Ecological Vision

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Sisters of Notre Dame, Assumption Province Celebrated the Laudato SI’ Week 2021, May 16-24, with Eco-Spirituality Prayers. The individual and collective movement towards ecological conversion which means realizing the vision of an integral ecology was highlighted in all the activities conducted during the Laudato SI’ Week. The Provincial house community participated in the week-long reflection and prayer for ecological conversion as part of the evening vespers.

On May 19, the SND Laudato SI’ Animators led the community in an eco-spirituality prayer service outdoors among the beautiful trees and plants in the Notre Dame Campus. Here is the link for watching this event, . Every Sister who attended the prayer service raised her heart in praise and thanksgiving to the Creator God for the goodness and providence of Creation thus moving her to Care, Protect and Sustain Mother Earth, the loving gift of God to her. The young members of the community, postulants and junior sisters, intensified the sacred moments with their rhythmic dance for the Lord of the Universe and the floral Aartti towards four directions of the world, sending waves of wellness and positivity to each and every creature that God has created. Everyone present for the prayer was gifted with a plant prepared in our nursery to green our common home and keep it healthy and beautiful.

On May 21, Global Action Day for Our Common Home, was a global call for individuals, communities, and institutions worldwide to organize a concrete action to care for our common home. The Sisters in the provincial house community joined this day by inaugurating a Laudato SI’ Herbal Garden in their campus. Sister Mary Tessy, the provincial, blessed the garden, planted an insulin plant in it and encouraged the Laudato Si initiatives of the sisters. Sr. Prema Devraj, shared the importance of herbal gardens emphasizing the preventive and curative soul of each plant for promoting a healthy humanity.

As part of the Laudato SI’ Week celebration, many communities of the province initiated kitchen gardens and organic composting and encouraged the students and staff of the institutions to follow a green and healthy way of living. The Laudato SI’ Week has brought to us many blessings by our conscious prayers and sacred actions in spite of the Covid-19 Lockdown.
Praise Be to You Creator God!

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